About Yasmine


Hello!  My name is Yasmine, feel free to call me Yas. 

After graduating college in Orange County, I moved to sunny Los Angeles 12 years ago to pursue a dream of working in entertainment. 

I’ve been lucky enough to work in finance and marketing for some of the top entertainment studios and tech companies. While I’m proud to be living this dream, the higher I climbed up the corporate ladder, I found myself becoming more and more unhappy not knowing why, given I had everything. 

Enter 2020 – a year of so much devastation, but also a year where I finally slowed down enough to notice my own patterns and question why I was working so hard yet I still felt so unfulfilled. 

While movie stars and red carpets are glamorous, being in the kitchen is where my true happiness lies, giving me a place to control the outcome and escape life’s expectations. It takes me back to my childhood when my parents would throw big dinner parties and I saw how food would always bring people together.  Cooking beautiful dishes for my friends and family to enjoy and illuminating conversations over a glass of wine is really what life is all about.  It’s funny how I always knew my real passions but seemed to make excuses because I was too busy traveling or stressed over the next big project.  I’ve learned that making time for my passions is essential to my well being and helps create a healthy work life balance. 

In addition to cooking and entertaining, traveling and exploring other cultures and cuisines has been an important part of who I am.  I’ve traveled to nearly 20 countries, and the different perspectives I’ve gained throughout, has shaped my personal growth and creativity.  I feel the same about this space, the fun is in the adventure, not knowing what I will experience or the people who I meet that will make a lasting impression.

Welcome to my creative adventure!




More about me:


I understand 3 languages 


I am a Pisces – forever a dreamer and creative at heart


I love margaritas – click here for some of my epic margarita recipes


I’ve traveled to about 20 countries and I can not wait to see more of the world.  Click here to check out some of my recent travel guides.


I live for a deep conversation about life and questioning societal norms.  I believe in living life on your own terms.


I love a good road trip and You will find me blasting Adele, Beyonce or bruno mars the entire time!

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